SMART HOPER, S.L.U. provides the users of the webpage located in the URL (henceforth also the Website) with our current Privacy Policy, with the aim of offering information about how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy and information.

SMART HOPER, S.L.U. asks the user to spend a few minutes carefully reading the present Privacy Policy.


SMART HOPER, S.L.U. is an entity whose registered office is at Calle Villanueva 2B, Escalera 1, Planta SM, 28001 Madrid, and whose Tax Identification Number (NIF) is B88567995 (hereafter “LATROUPE”).

The present Privacy Policy applies to the LATROUPE Website, as well as to the interactions that the user carries out with LATROUPE through said Website or through email.

LATROUPE can modify this Privacy Policy when necessary. Should modifications be introduced, we will let you know through the webpage or other means so that you can know the new privacy conditions. If you continue to use the functions provided by LATROUPE after having been notified of those modifications, it will mean that you are in agreement with them, with the exception of situations for which your express consent is necessary.


LATROUPE is responsible for treating personal data. To guarantee the correct treatment of your data, LATROUPE has designated a Delegate for Data Protection, who you can consult for any questions you might have at the email


Personal data provided by the users of the Website or who contact LATROUPE by some other means can be treated by LATROUPE for the following purposes, based on what type of information is provided by the user as well the interactions that he carries out with LATROUPE.

  1. Contact, management and treatment of the questions and requests of users of the Website: The personal data of users who contact LATROUPE through any of the channels available via the Website will be treated in order to maintain contact between the two parts, manage user requests, provide service to customers or users, and manage user requests that reach us through these channels.
  2. Commercial, promotional or advertising communications: the personal data of users who contact LATROUPE can be managed so as to send personalised commercial and publicity information about activities, products, services, offers, special promotions, as well as diverse documentation, by means of postal, telephonic or electronic means (email, SMS, messaging and other electronic means of communication).

    The information to be sent can be relative to LATROUPE and/or other entities. To optimise and improve its sending of information, and to offer adequate personalised information in accordance with the characteristics and/or needs of each user, LATROUPE states that it can carry out automatic analyses and evaluations of profiles and apply techniques of segmentation, exclusively with internal data that LATROUPE has, before sending advertising and commercial communications. All of this is independent of whether the user has given his express consent.

    As explained in more detail later in this document, at any time the user can oppose the use by LATROUPE of his data for advertising or promotional ends, by accessing the channels set up for this.
  3. “Work with us” (treatment of data from job applicants): The personal data of users who contact LATROUPE via this section of our Website can be treated by LATROUPE to receive CVs of possible candidates and decide whether they are accepted, and make possible their participation in our selection processes. If a user contacts LATROUPE through that section, we will send him detailed information about his data as described, and will also inform him that his candidacy could be considered by LATROUPE or by other entities that are part of the business group. If that were to mean communicating data to entities different than LATROUPE, we will duly inform him and ask for his consent to carry out this treatment of data.


The data that LATROUPE manages as a result of interactions carried out by the user through our webpage comes from the following sources:

  • Data provided by the user when filling out the spaces used to manage communication with users that is provided by LATROUPE or through any other means by which the user may communicate with LATROUPE.
  • Data generated as a result of the development, processing and maintenance of the relationship established between the user andLATROUPE.

LATROUPE can use personal data of the following types, depending on the relationship established with the user:

  • Identification and contact information (for example, first and last names, email, postal address, telephone, etc.).
  • Academic and professional data and/or employment details (for example, information included in the CV).
  • Other kinds of data. Only in case the user brings other kinds of data in his interactions with LATROUPE will said data be treated by LATROUPE, and then only in case it is necessary for the objective being pursued. Otherwise, the information will be destroyed without having been stored or used previously by LATROUPE.


LATROUPE uses personal data provided by users of the Website in accordance with the following legitimising bases, depending on the kind of data being facilitated by the user, as well as the user’s interactions with LATROUPE:

  1. The treatment of your data with regard to “Contact, management and processing of the consultations and requests of users of the Website” is based on the processing of the judicial relation between the user and LATROUPE; in other words, on the management of his own request, on maintaining the contact between the two parties, and, should it apply, in whatever service the user might have requested, as well as, should it be necessary, on the consent that will be requested of the user.
  2. The treatment of your data with regard to “Contact, management and processing of the consultations and requests of users of the Website” is based on the consent that, in each case, is requested of the user.
  3. The treatment of your data with an end toward “Work with us” is based upon the application, as requested by the working person, of pre-contractual measures or the intention of signing a contract and the consent that is requested of the user.

LATROUPE will only use personal data with the permission of the user in the cases where the user, by means of the models to obtain consent provided by LATROUPE, had consented to each of the treatments of his data.


Your information can be communicated to other companies in the LATROUPE (Grupo Azora) business group that carry out at LATROUPE functions of, among others, management, control, management of human resources, vigilance of compliance with norms and auditing. The purpose of communicating this data is to make possible the management and development of the established opportune procedures, because other companies within the business group may be the mercantile entities that have to take care of consulting or hiring you. What makes the communication of this data legitimate is that it is necessary before a contract can be formalized.

Your data will not be communicated to third parties, unless this is expressly demanded by a regulation or it has the consent of the job applicant.


LATROUPE keeps your personal information during the time necessary to provide the requested service and/or to achieve the objective being sought.

Afterward, as long as the user does not exercise his right to suppress it, the data will be conserved during the legal periods appropriate in each case, taking into account the type of data as well as the aim of its treatment.

In any case, the user can request detailed information about the periods for conserving data at LATROUPE by contacting our Delegate for Data Protection, at


LATROUPE informs its users that, once personal data has been collected through a form on the Website, it will be necessary for each user to provide at least the data considered obligatory on the form. That information is considered necessary, and unless it is provided LATROUPE will not be able to provide the service or information requested by the user.


The user guarantees that the data he provides is true, exact, complete and up to date, and is responsible for any harm or damages, direct or indirect, that might be caused as a consequence of not complying with this obligation.

In the case of a user providing data that pertains to a third party, he guarantees that he has informed this party about all the aspects contained in the present Privacy Policy and has obtained that party’s consent to provide us with his information for the appropriate treatment. All this should precede the sending of the data of a third party by means of the Website.

LATROUPE makes known that anyone providing personal data of any kind through our Website must be over the age of 18. The user who provides information to LATROUPE via the present Website declares and guarantees that he is over 18, and totally assumes responsibility for this declaration.


In response to the concern by LATROUPE to guarantee the security and confidentiality of your data, we have adopted the required levels for the protection of personal information and installed the technical means to avoid the loss, improper use, unauthorised access and theft of the personal data that has been provided through the Website. In any case, you should take into account that security measures on Internet are not impregnable.


LATROUPE informs you that you have the right to obtain confirmation about whether or not we are treating personal data that concerns you.

Likewise, LATROUPE informs you that you have the following rights over your personal data:

  • Accessing your data: You have the right to access your data to know what personal information of yours we are treating.
  • To request the rectification or suppression of your data: In certain circumstances you have the right to rectify that personal information that you consider inaccurate and that will be treated by LATROUPE, as well as the right to request that this data be suppressed when, among other reasons, it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • Request a limit to the treatment of your data: In certain circumstances, you will have the right to request that we limit the treatment of your data, in which case we will only conserve the data about which you have requested a limitation to exercise your claims
  • To the portability of your data: In certain circumstances, you will have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided us, in a commonly used structural format and mechanical reading, and that it be transmitted by LATROUPE to another person responsible for its treatment.
  • Opposing the treatment of your data: In certain circumstances and for reasons having to do with your particular situation, you will have the right to oppose the treatment of your information, in which case we will stop treating it unless we must continue to do so for compelling legitimate reasons or to exercise or defend against possible claims.

Likewise, we remind you that you have the right to rescind any consent you may have given regarding the treatment of your data, without that affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent before it was rescinded.

You can exercise your rights over your personal data by writing to LATROUPE –with the reference “Protection of Data” and providing the number of your national identity card– at the following addresses: Calle Villanueva 2B, Escalera 1, Planta SM, 28001 Madrid or

In the event that your request is not answered, you can present a claim before the Delegate for Data Protection, at the email address, or before the competent government office for the protection of information.
